This space is for conversation between commenters.* If you have a link or article or interesting thought that’s not relevant to an ongoing thread, you can share it here. If a conversation on another post has turned entirely off topic, you can bring it here. And so on. Every so often, as the number of comments on a given Lesbian Duplex post becomes unmanageable, I put up a fresh post. For those who are interested, I also have regular open posts specifically on children and parenting issues. Further, I’ve added a “chatter” tab under my blog banner that will direct readers to these discussion threads, so no one will have to worry about digging for one. In any case, my comment policy lays out the house rules. Enjoy!
* You may be wondering about the name. The lesbian duplex has become a running joke on this blog since two of my posts on Debi’s book, Created To Be His Help Meet. For the backstory, you can take a look at these posts—read them Simper, Smile, and Giggle and Single Moms Turned Lesbian. I think the name suits these threads, because if Debi were right, we would all be lesbians living in duplexes.