I Have a Patreon!

I Have a Patreon! May 9, 2016

Hey guys! I’ve had a tip jar for a while now (see the sidebar), but I’ve just created a Patreon page as well. Many of you are probably familiar with Patreon, which allows writers, gamers, artists, and others to advertise their work and find supporters and backers. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that asks people to become “patrons” of creators whose work they enjoy, pledging to donate a specified amount per month.

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I don’t have tangible awards for specific donation levels—just access to the fictional imaginary lesbian duplex—but I did create two goals that I will work on bringing to life if I reach specific support levels. The first is a Pinterest page that will provide you with my best posts gathered together in carefully organized boards. I started playing around with Pinterest recently and realized two things: first, that creating carefully organized pinterest boards of my best work will take a significant time investment, and second, that if I can make it happen, it will be a good way to give people quick links that highlight collections of my best content on various subjects. The second goal I created involves writing the parenting book many of my readers keep asking for, either for self-publishing or for publishing through Patheos Press.

You are under no obligation to become a patron, and my writing here will remain free. I also do get paid by Patheos depending on how many page views I bring in. I have created the Patreon page primarily to diversify my sources of support and to give those of you who have the means and the interest in supporting my work greater opportunity to do so. Thanks so much as always!

Click here to view my Patreon!

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