Three Life-Giving Facts about Prayer

Three Life-Giving Facts about Prayer May 16, 2015

Multi-Task Praying

Actually, these three points, or facts, are pretty common sense. What was interesting to me is that I found them in the Catechism as part of Church teaching on prayer. Until now, I saw praying while doing other things as somehow second best to “real” prayer. St. John Chrysostom’s advice to pray while walking, at work, conducting commerce or…yes…even while cooking was something I believed should be done only when I didn’t have time to pray separately. The second two facts add emphasis to the first.

So, now I no longer need to feel guilty about multi-task praying and that suits me just fine. It helps to know that something I was already trying to do as a next-best option is in fact something the Church advocates as something I ought to do.

There’s more to it than that. We all know the adage, “Practice makes perfect.” That also applies to prayer, which adds to the advantages of praying while going about our business. The more we pray, the more perfect our prayer will become, and the greater chance we have of achieving the tireless fervor and persevering love we all seek.

Image: Ryan McGuire, Gratisography, CC

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