Provide-ence: Our work matters because God meets the needs of others through our work.

Provide-ence: Our work matters because God meets the needs of others through our work. January 5, 2016


Providence is the notion that God designed and sustains the world in such a way to provide for the needs of those of us who live here:

The eyes of all look to you,

and you give them their food at the proper time.

You open your hand

and satisfy the desires of every living thing. (Psalms 145:15-16)

Providence unexpectedly provides a clue to the significance of our daily work.  The clue is found in details of the mechanics of providence.   Consider the following:

He makes grass grow for the cattle,

and plants for people to cultivate—

bringing forth food from the earth:

wine that gladdens human hearts,

oil to make their faces shine,

and bread that sustains their hearts. (Psalms 104:14-15)

Wine, oil, and bread do not come about “naturally,” they require human action.   The writer is crediting God with giving these things.   God “gives” them through the work of vintners, oil-makers, and bakers.

Why does our work matter to God?

God expresses his providing care through our work.


How about you: How does your work bring people something they need (“food”)or something that “gladdens their hearts” or something that “makes their faces shine”?   In this detail of your daily work, God is working and therefore what you do every day, matters to him!



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