Western Confucian Nails It

Western Confucian Nails It August 23, 2010

He writes:

“Change, whether you like it or not, is afoot in Iraq” — In porn, a story of Iraq’s politics. “The openness with which porn is sold in some of Baghdad’s streets is almost unheard of in the Arab world.” Not if the “turn left/turn right” crowd had had its way. There’s still hope for Iran, though.

And this glorious news comes just days after a second American president has declared “mission accomplished” — US Announces Second Fake End to Iraq War. Two victories in one war make up for Vietnam, I guess.

With 4416 Americans servicemen killed, at least 100,000 Iraqis civilians killed, and half the population of Christian communites that dated back almost to the time of Christ in exile, Iraqis are now free to watch such titles as “The Rape of the Coeds” and “Cheap Meat,” whose peddler boasts, “It’s got Syrian, Egyptian, Lebanese girls; All the Arabs.”

I was particularly amazed last week at the chutzpah with which Caesar announced that the last “combat troops” had left Iraq last week (“Mission Re-Accomplished! Again! No! Really! Trust us!). And with that departure we leave only 50,000 troops in Iraq, some of whom are still combat troops only with different names, and one of whom just got killed. But not in combat, so that’s okay.

The Administration of Bush 44 continues apace. And the Onion nails it, too.

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