Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests November 10, 2010

A reader writes:

We just found out last week that my husband’s job is in danger. He works for a Catholic non-profit organization and due to the economy donations are hugely down. We don’t know if they will be able to survive. Besides our family, there would be many other families affected by this as well.

Father, hear our prayer for this family, that this man’s job would survive and that he could continue to provide for his family. Please help as well all the family’s affected by the this situation. Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for them. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Also, Father, hear our prayer for Lorna and help her to get over the stomach blockage and nausea, as well as the setback she has had with the respirator. Grant her swift healing in body, soul, and spirit and grant consolation and strength to her family, especially her Mom during this great trial. Mother Mary, pray for her that she have the graces of faith, hope and love in this dark time. We ask this through Christ our Lord, amen.

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