For Those Who Are Skeptical…

For Those Who Are Skeptical… July 30, 2012

that the choice must always and forever be between the Caesar/Mammon and Mammon/Caesar ticket, a reader writes:

You’re always going on about how you won’t vote for Romney or Obama, and that even though your guy won’t win, you won’t have to take a shower after voting. Well this website’s been bouncing around on Facebook. Basically, you take a quiz and it tells you who you match up with the most. I got 84% for Gary Johnson. Thought you might pass this on to your minions, who might also want to avoid the showers on Election Day, but might not be sure what the other options are.

Minions!  Check thou it out!  I’m still leaning Stubbs 2012.  Some readers have tried to argue that we should support a dog, but I’ve pointed out that, great as a dog would be, we can’t make the perfect the enemy of the good.  Be realistic and support the electable candidate.  Stubbs 2012!

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