Prayer Request

Prayer Request May 27, 2014

A reader writes:

I’m writing to ask for prayers for two people close to me.

First, my cousin was recently diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer. It hasn’t spread, and he is getting the treatment he needs, but naturally the family is worried.

Second, my girlfriend was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia, a painful nerve condition that causes pain and itching on one’s face. Last week she underwent a procedure to treat the nerve which is supposed to relieve the pain. Her face is now numb and she is experiencing burning pain on the left side of her face. This is not what was supposed to happen, and we are now worried that she has anesthesia dolorosa, an incurable side effect that can arise if her trigeminal nerve was damaged in the surgery. She has a follow up appointment with the doctor to find out what is going on, but she is terrified that she may have to live with this incurable, debilitating pain for the rest of her life. I am terrified that if that is the case she may fall into despair.

Neither of us really know where to turn at this point, so in addition to praying for her health, please pray that we may get some guidance from the Holy Spirit on what to do if our worst fears are confirmed.

Father, hear our prayer for complete healing in body, soul, and spirit for both of these people. Grant grace, compassion, wisdom, knowledge, counsel, understanding, skill and the proper technology to their caregivers to assist in their complete healing. Give them and all who love them grace, peace, strength, consolation, faith, hope and love. Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for them. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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