You’d think that prolifers would celebrate Democrats for Life

You’d think that prolifers would celebrate Democrats for Life June 20, 2016

But no. Dems for Life endanger the entire phony GOP shell game. They show that opposition to abortion is related to, not the opposite of, all the culture of death priorities of the Right. They *have* to be shouted down by the shills of the GOP. So instead of being celebrate as allies in the fight for the unborn, they are slagged as enemy Democrats, because party is more important than the unborn and the unborn are merely human shields for the cynics who make use of them to battle for GOP Culture of Death priorities. Rebecca Bratten Weiss has the number of these guys.

Alternatively, you could be *more* prolife, not less, and fight for the dignity and preservation of human life from conception to natural death like the Church says to do–welcoming allies in that struggle wherever you find them.

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