St. Valentine and the Parkland Kids

St. Valentine and the Parkland Kids February 14, 2019

This is an authentic expression of Catholic spirituality:

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Authentic Christian spirituality seeks the good of the other, even if it costs one’s own life.

It is therefore fitting that St. Valentine’s Day associate the death of a martyr with the joy of lovers:

Image result for St. Valentine skull

Ever since Jesus died praying for mercy to his murderers, the authentic Christian way has sought life for others, if necessary, at the cost of one’s own.  Real disciples of Jesus worry more about the bodily health of others and about the state of their own souls.

Fake disciples of Jesus worry about their own bodies first and waste a lot of time judging the souls of others.

A year ago, at Parkland, yet another maniac assisted in the annual slaughter of 40,000 Americans by massacring a lot of kids and teachers.  The phony antichrist Gun Cult immediately swung into action to judge the souls of brave, innocent kids who spoke out against the slaughter by accusing them, on the basis of nothing, of being “crisis actors”.  It was, of course, a complete and utter lie.  I watched as priests and laity of the Catholic Church joined in the slander–a slander for which I have never ever seen one single member of the Cult apologize.  Instead, they have spent the year mocking and slandering kids like David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez.

Why did the Cult do it?  Because they treasure their own miserable skins far more than they care about the souls of the people they slanderously judge.  Such people are the opposite of martyrs like St. Valentine.  All that matters to them is the power to murder people they are afraid might hurt them.  And they are so obsessed with their own selfish hides that they don’t mind making white (and red) martyrs of innocent kids, even if their gutless, selfish behavior drives them away from Christ forever.

On this first anniversary of the massacre at Parkland, let us thank God for the brave witness of those kids and their courage in the face of the disgraceful and disgusting witness of conservative white Christian enemies of God and human life.  May God grant those kids the faithful witness and accompaniment of actual disciples of Jesus Christ to show them that Christ is with them and with those they loved–killed at Parkland but loved by a Savior who likewise was rejected and murdered by enemies of God who claimed to be his greatest disciples.

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