October 12, 2019

Something educational for a Saturday morning: It is, however, my painful duty to inform you that KIRK NEVER FALLS IN LOVE WITH a VULCAN.  AMERICAN EDUCATION IS A SHAMBLES. Deacon Steve Greydanus had a Latin teacher at seminary who said Western Civilization ended on September 6, 1966 when James T. Kirk ruined all grammar by saying “To boldly go” instead “To go boldly.” Fun fact: in Michael Flynn’s Spiral Arm Universe, one of the planets colonized by Terrans is named... Read more

October 11, 2019

Some time back, I saw an ad for the Flat Earth Society on Facebook which announced, “The Flat Earth Society has members around the globe.” Some wag commented, “Say that again, but slower.” I thought of that when Planned Parenthood sent this out: Say that again, but slower: I am reminded again of my favorite pro-life sign, from Atheists for Life: “For the Embryology Textbook tells me so.” For once, I agree 100% with Planned Parenthood. The size of your... Read more

October 10, 2019

He seems to me to nail it: What do followers of this heresy actually believe? Under the banner of The Rad Trad Heresy are the following beliefs: The Church is corrupt and has taken a side road away from the path to Truth. The Novus Ordo Liturgy–developed by Vatican II–is a monstrosity that prevents people from communing with the Transcendent Christ. Even where grudgingly accepted the Novus Ordo is seen as deficient compared with the Tridentine Latin liturgy. A legalism that replaces authentic theological investigation.  When Canon Law becomes... Read more

October 9, 2019

Yesterday, I made the case that the problem eating the heart of American conservative Christianity is plain: it does not trust Jesus Christ and so is embarked on the project of trying to save itself since it is convinced he will not do it. One of the warnings God gives Israel about the cost of faithlessness is this: I will send faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; the sound of a driven leaf shall put them... Read more

October 8, 2019

Last week, we noted that Fr. Dan Reehill, terrified of he knows not what as he banned Harry Potter on the ignorant and nonsensical charge of being “demonic” is reported by his parishioners to regard himself as a “soldier of Christ”.  This is, of course, a biblical image and has long purchase in the Tradition.  But, like anything else, it is possible for biblical imagery to be misapplied and misused.  Here in my own state of Washington, one of the... Read more

October 7, 2019

There are certain biblical passages that white conservative Americans have so thoroughly neutered that they are effectively deleted from Scripture.  For instance, judging from virtually all Christianist rhetoric and practice, this is what the Sermon on the Mount actually says: You have heard that it was said, “Love your enemies”. But I say to you “Blow your enemy’s head off”. If someone slaps you on the right cheek, Stand Your Ground and blow his head off. If someone compels you... Read more

October 5, 2019

Also, if you can find it (as I did at Kanopy.com) I highly recommend The Great Buster, a biodocumentary by Peter Bogdanovich. Here’s the trailer: Read more

October 4, 2019

Here’s the official synopsis: Alone and vulnerable, the children’s faith and family bonds are pushed to the limit, especially those of the eldest daughter, Sophie (Mollee Gray), who questions the morality of gun ownership but soon learns that in God all things are good, including her family’s Second Amendment right to defend themselves. And because this is being marketed to Good White Christians, there is also something called a “Faith Trailer” so that they can reassure themselves they are actually... Read more

October 3, 2019

Yesterday, I wrote of my appreciation for the Catholic intellectual tradition and what a relief it was for me to step into the wide sunlands of a Catholic Christianity that was not afraid to engage with the wide range of human culture and thought.  From St. Paul on the Areopagus down through the Catholic invention of the university to the present, the Church’s capacity for engagement with the breadth of the human experience is one of the most beautiful things... Read more

October 2, 2019

Here ’tis, with Yr Obdt Svt chatting about Saints and Superheroes with my chum Peter Holmes and Co.: It’s a fun show! You can hear all the other ones at This Catholic Life. I actually did two interviews that day. The second one will be posted later on as we near Christmas and the time comes to talk about Our Lady. Meantime, make yourself a fan of the show. It emanates from Sydney, Australia and is the brainchild of the... Read more

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