Today also marks the death of Father Edward F. Sorin (1814-1893), founder of the University of Notre Dame. Born in France, he was ordained a priest of the Diocese of LeMans before joinging the recently organized Holy Cross Fathers in 1839. In 1841, he was sent to America with six Holy Cross Brothers to start the community’s first American foundation. From 1841 to 1866, he was head of the Holy Cross community in the United States. He was elected Superior General in 1866. In 1842, he moved to the property he bought in South Bend, Indian, which became the University of Notre Dame du Lac. He served as president until 1865. During the Civil War, he sent eighty sisters and eight priests to minister to Union troops during the Civil War. In 1865, he founded the Catholic weekly Ave Maria, which existed until 1970. As superior general, he oversaw the establishment of St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas. He died at Notre Dame in 1893.