A Poetic Tribute to Women Religious, 1909

A Poetic Tribute to Women Religious, 1909 May 18, 2011

Where are the Catholic Sisters?
The Brooklyn Tablet, April 17, 1909, 21.

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.

Winds of the world give answer,
North, East and South and West,
Wherever there is good to accomplish,
Or souls that can be possessed;
Wherever there are human races
To educate, nurse or to care
Can be seen these devoted women–
The Catholic Sisters are there.

You can find them on fields of battle,
‘Mid volley from cannon and gun;
They labor ‘mid fierce persecution;
They’re everywhere under the sun.
Never was isle so tiny,
Never was state so small,
But was seen a Catholic Sister,
To answer a Divine Call.

In Eastern plague-stricken hovels,
From whence other humans fly,
They tenderly nurse the afflicted,
But the Sisters– generally die.
Never the sun arises on desert, jungle or state
But a Sister’s soul goes upward
Who died for Mercy’s sake.

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