June 15, 2015

Summer is here, and the temperatures are heating up. As the days are getting longer, the shorts are getting shorter. I can only imagine how nervous this makes mothers. My boys are young right now (only 3 and 4), but I’ve watched your sons cover their eyes or look away when a scantily clad woman walks past. I’ve heard you lament that you can’t take your boys with you into department stores due to all the pictures of women in... Read more

June 12, 2015

As someone who struggles with mental illness, it sounds to me as though this woman is not well in the head. She sounds like a woman who is really sick and needs help. She sounds like a woman who could benefit from knowing that she is worthy of love and honor just the way she was born. She is a cherished daughter of our King. Of course, I’m working off of pure hearsay. I can’t know her full story the... Read more

June 11, 2015

Arguably, this is one of my most favorite subjects. If you’re wondering what a 31-year-old, Christian, mother to four, could possibly know about sex, stick around… I grew up in a sexually silent home. I was never really given “the talk” apart from how it related to my monthly cycle. As an adult, watching all the unedited episodes of Sex and the City was my education. While informative on the perils of serial dating, the show failed to teach me... Read more

June 8, 2015

“I don’t want to lose this friendship,” I said. “I don’t either” she confessed. Our girls were close friends. They went to school together. We lived in a small town, and we had several mutual friends. I thought our friendship had been growing, but now she was asking me to change, and I simply couldn’t comply with her request. Rewind four months. I had made a habit of riding through life on the seat of my pants. I was stressed... Read more

June 7, 2015

When someone gives way to ungodly anger, the sin is destructive and bad. But when it is rationalized, when it is not repented, when the angry person does not humble himself before those he has wounded, sincerely seeking their forgiveness in true humility, the problem is overweening arrogance and pride. The episode of anger is like putting stain on a piece of wood — but refusal to repent in humility is like putting a defiant sealant on it. The pride is... Read more

June 5, 2015

I have a three-year-old son. You know that saying that a little boy is just noise with dirt on it? Yep, that is our Liam. A couple nights ago, around 10:30pm, when he should have been asleep, Liam fell over the guard rail of his sister’s top bunk bed. I heard the thud from the next room and knew immediately what had happened. I ran in to find him face down on the floor. I picked him up, just as... Read more

June 1, 2015

Someone I know recently obtained an abortion. The woman, herself, is not a Christian, but I can’t help but think that she knows what she is doing. Her sister (who is pro-life and a follower of Christ) spoke with her sister about the life growing inside her womb and encouraged her not to end the pregnancy. She even offered to adopt her niece or nephew after the birth. However, the unwed mother opted to end the life of her child... Read more

May 27, 2015

The Lord is my Helper; I will not be overwhelmed. He makes me work all day and then gives me rest. He fills up my energy tank. God protects me from becoming a grouch because I belong to Him. Even though I cannot take one step without bumping into something, I will not become frustrated, for He is with me. His word speaks truth to me, and His Spirit comforts me — He is my sustainer. He prepares a great... Read more

May 23, 2015

They are everywhere. I’m not good with identification, but I’ve seen over 30 of these reddish-brown, (what I think are) hornworm pupa. Hidden not far beneath the surface of the cool, damp earth in my garden beds, they wiggle a bit when you pick them up. My daughter says when the neighbor boy squishes the pods, they ooze white goo. I’ve never had a green thumb, but I love beauty, so I keep trying. You name any plant, and I’ve... Read more

May 23, 2015

We are completely moved into our new house! Of course, when I say moved in, I mean that everything is in or on the premises. Boxes are still piled high, but we are methodically unpacking them, one by one. Already we’ve met many of our neighbors. One brought a lovely house plant to welcome us. Others dropped by to introduce themselves and welcome us in word. We live in a fantastic community. Last week, we bought a refurbished washer and... Read more

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