One Day 2013 (#OneDayHH)

One Day 2013 (#OneDayHH) November 20, 2013

Last Wednesday Hollywood Housewife hosted “OneDayHH: One Day of the Year to Document the Small Details of Your Life” and I played along, even though some of the smallest details failed to be captured on film (can you still say film?). This was no ordinary Wednesday; this was the day when a couple of our dearest friends were arriving for an extra long weekend. And it was a day that when the boys were difficult and I felt my mother-failures acutely. But still. There were some fun pictures. And somehow I got the bathroom cleaned in time for my friends to arrive. (I was too happy by the time they showed up that I forgot to take an actual picture of my smiling face with them.)

What I’m trying to say is Let’s do this. One Day Documented:

Let’s just get real right now. Real real. This is what my bangs look like when I wake up. And this is how happy I am about showing my bangs to you guys.


5:55. Praying in the dark living room while the hubs makes the coffee.


6 o’clock coffee date on the couch. This happens only on good days, people. When we’ve had enough sleep and the children haven’t woken early. In other words, don’t feel guilty. But when it happens, it’s my favorite part of the day. (PS Look! My bangs have already tamed themselves!)


I spoke too soon! Prayer time is over: Look at this guy, all sleepy and cozy. Snuggle time instead.


6:45 Feed children breakfast / drink coffee / get blog up / social media fun


Oatmeal in bowls. Children smiling. Fabric stools covered with beach towels so I can sort of have clean chairs when the friends get here tonight.


7:45 City Sidewalks…Off to School (Yes, that’s my finger at the bottom. No judgment!)


7:50 – Miraculously we’re in time for the pledge. Yes. That one! San Francisco still does the pledge of allegiance! (At least at our school.)


We all have colds in this house. So this guy takes his regular asthmatic spot in front of the “astronaut mask” and smiles for the picture.


Time for Mom’s Group but Brooksie is not cool with taking his backpack off in order to sit in the carseat. We stare each other down for a while until the carseat wins.


Somehow I didn’t get a pic of Mom’s Group but I still managed to snag a selfie + 3 of Cara and our little bundles.


Let’s pause here and catch our breaths. There was Mom’s Group, then B’s nap, then picking A up at school. Now, it’s 2ish and we’re reading on the couch. (Library Day! So we must read the new library book immediately.)


Lots of drama around homework today. (Not captured!) Lots of tears (caused by brothers). And lots of not cleaning the house like I’d planned to. However, I prepped dinner ahead of time. (Which I’m still proud of myself for.)


Hanging out with Brooksie while August has his second ever gymnastics class. Somehow during this experience I majorly bruised my hip on that railing that says “railing.” Beware the railing.


Kids fed and to bed. House cleaned. Bed made for our soon to arrive friends. 9 o’clock and just a few more dishes left! Push through, Micha! Then you’ll be able to stay up super late talking to people you love and eating banana/Nutella crepes. I promise.


Thanks for joining me and all my lovely ordinary. Btw, I need a new phone cover that doesn’t do that ghost strip at the bottom of all my pictures, right?

All the love. Happy Wednesday.


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