So…I was on a radio show.

So…I was on a radio show. November 18, 2013

Image from The Happiness Cocktail via Pinterest

I’m trying to be brave these days. I’m looking toward my book’s release (details to come on that soon) and all that releasing a book will shake up of  my comfortable life of writing in my pjs on my couch at 9pm every night. I know I need to be brave now, because I’m going to have to be really brave then.

So, this is me doing something I’m not so comfortable doing: Ten days ago I got an email from a radio talk show host in Toronto asking if I was willing to be interviewed as a “God blogger.” I laughed and forwarded it to my husband with the words, “Bahahahaha.” He wrote me back: “You have to do this.”

So I decided my husband did not get the joke.

However, I thought about it for the rest of the day, prayed about it for tiny second, and knew that if I didn’t do it, it would be because I was afraid. There were no good reasons not to. And at the very least, it would be good practice, right?

So, thirty hours later, I was deep breathing in downward facing dog, pausing only to email all the women in Mom’s Group an SOS (“Please pray that this will not be a disaster and that I will breathe!!!!”) and waiting for the phone to ring, which would signal that Toronto was fixing to break my poor little spirit by asking about my blog posts and then laughing at me as they drove around listening to God radio on their Saturday afternoons.

It actually wasn’t that bad. I did breathe. Probably because my Mom’s Group ladies prayed I would. And it wasn’t a complete disaster. There are moments I wish I’d been more prepared: The feminism question caught me off guard and I think the only thing I did right was point to Sarah Bessey’s book. And, of course, I’ve played the whole thing out in my head a million times and wished I’m been quicker on my toes. But I’m going to offer the link to you anyway. Because. I’m trying to be brave.

Here it is. I haven’t listened to it and I’m probably never will. But you can and I promise to keep working on this thing. Practice makes All the Scary Things less painful, right? Right.

Grateful for you all,


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