October 7, 2016

The university is one of society’s great incubators of ideas—unless you belong to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. As reported this week by TIME, the evangelical collegiate organization will seek to dismiss staff members who disagree with its positions on human sexuality, in particular those who believe God can and does bless same-sex relationships. As Bible-believing Christians, with several friends who have served in InterVarsity, we see this as a divisive step that puts into question whether the organization deserves to serve on... Read more

October 3, 2016

God, as we know, separated light from darkness; the waters under the dome, from those above. He bid the earth and the waters bring forth living creatures of “every kind”: creeping things, flying things, sea creatures, and cattle. And He fashioned humans in His image: Creatures who delight in categorizing. It seems we inherit from our Creator a penchant for labels. When we apply them to ourselves we call them identities; we use them to signal to others some of... Read more

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