We feel too embarrassed to confide in others…

We feel too embarrassed to confide in others… July 4, 2009

I found your blog yesterday afternoon, and haven’t been able to stop reading.  I read every single column, from your latest June 24th column all the way back to your first column on February 26th.  It has been riveting, educational, and inspiring to not only see the struggles that people go through, but to have your insight as a faithful LDS member and a licensed therapist.  That being said, I want to say thank you for such a great blog.  It has been bookmarked and I will be visiting it daily.

I think that you are doing a great service, especially in your counsel concerning sexuality and homosexuality.  Too often, as LDS members who have been rigidly taught against premarital sexuality, and when many of the inevitable “issues” arise, we feel too embarrassed to even confide in friends, because of the sacredness and intimacy that is involved. It is a very personal thing, and because our culture doesn’t revel in it, many can feel hopeless.  I am glad you are doing your service.

Thank you so very much for your many positive comments.  It is always self-gratifying when I get positive feedback that goes in line with what my original hopes for this blog would be.  The fact that people are finding this outlet useful makes me very happy.  Thanks again!

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