This post is a poem written by the daughter of Shandra Harris, who recently wrote the guest post President Nelson… I’m having a Trust Crisis.
I am in awe of young people who are navigating the waters of mixed-faith families. And doing so with deep levels of forethought, love, concern and desire for all that is good in the world…. for themselves, and for their loved ones. Emma suffered deeply while watching our recent General Conference… and it is wonderful families like hers that motivate me to speak out against unnecessary, harmful rhetoric that has no place in the ministering call of Christ’s teachings. Due to the poster’s age…. comments will be moderated very closely.
Today’s guest post is written by Emma Harris. Opinions shared on guest posts may not completely reflect the positions of the blog’s author.
I drowned once.
Apart from solid ground;
I waded into the sea.
The current pulled me under;
Cold and unforgiving;
To choke me
First painful
Then numb.I wanted to stay in the dark;
Away from the pain.
From the sun that I knew would never stay.
But the waves pulled me up
Toward the glaring light.I fought against them-
Clawing against nothing
And everything
As my tears became one
With the ocean .Then I surfaced
Amongst the foam
With the fish glinting beneath that layer
Of ever-changing glass.
Far down below
Lies the unknown.
Where all the colors of the earth
Meet their mortal enemy.The waves pull,
And this time,
I follow.