May 22, 2009

An ongoing list that I will add to through time that can hopefully provide guidance for specific relational and personal issues: ANGER Hosea 14:4 “I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him.” ATONEMENT/REPENTANCE/SIN Ephesians 2:4-5 “But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)”  2nd Nephi 3:13 “And... Read more

May 21, 2009

I appreciate the warning signs you share. I’ve gone through this (pornography use) with three sons – each had their own challenges but overcame them. Parenting is such fun!  I’m glad you’re finding this site useful.  It is important for us as parents to be as informed as possible regarding the latest research and technology when it comes to our adolescents (especially with sexual topics).  This is a difficult task, since usually the generational gap leaves parents in the dust... Read more

May 20, 2009

It was refreshing for me to read this perspective. As one that struggles with these issues in my marriage, I wholeheartedly agree. Note that it isn’t always the wife that lacks interest in intimacy- there are plenty of cases where the husband is the disinterested one The ideal, I think, is for both spouses to view the marriage with similar importance and to have a healthy level of dependence on one another. But what happens when one spouse wants the... Read more

May 18, 2009

I agree with your advice about being honest and forthright before marrying. How forthright do you think parents should be about their past transgressions with their children? What about when a teenager or young adult is struggling with issues that a parent struggled with (word of wisdom, sexual immorality, etc.) is seeking empathy and guidance from a parent? Should the parent disclose what they’d been through for the purpose of helping the child? Would teenagers/young adults be mature enough to... Read more

May 18, 2009

It’s nice to hear that other young women go through this too (see post). Probably a lot more than we realize in the church. It’s also really helpful to put in perspective that masturbation, especially how the commenter described her behavior, is not nearly as serious and “damning” as many make it out to be. I liked Packer’s quote, as well. Thank you for your comments.   Read more

May 18, 2009

As a woman I find wives who DENY sexuality from their husbands completely deplorable. To the point of anger! I understand that anger comes as a second emotion, and that I am sad and frustrated. I am not talking about the wife who has cancer or some other problem. I am talking about a “normal” wife who refuses herself from her respectful husband. I find that many LDS women believe that sex is only for having babies. I also see... Read more

May 18, 2009

I went to and found THE DISCOVERY GAME…thanks for the tip. I’m so glad to hear you found this site useful. Finding ways to be playful and creative within our marital relationships is paramount in helping us feel satisfied, connected and happy with each other. The process of staying content in marriage takes mutual effort, ongoing courtship, honesty, forgiveness and self-assessment. Marriages where both spouses are willing to do/address these things can achieve deep levels of satisfaction as well... Read more

May 15, 2009

Hi, just found this blog via About two years into my marriage, my husband began to have huge doubts. He now considers himself to be agnostic and he recently began drinking. I like your recommendation of finding a good therapist – I think it would be helpful for both of us. I wonder, though, how to do this. I don’t want to go through LDS family services (and don’t think he would be receptive to this). But how do... Read more

May 14, 2009

I’d like to politely disagree with one of your statements here, “Although complete masturbatory abstinence may be the ideal we are all striving for, I would rather you be dealing with your sexuality through this release than move towards having inappropriate sexual experiences before marriage with another person.” (post) I find it interesting that other outlets for sexual feelings and frustration are not discussed in this context. I was single and celibate until I married in the temple at 28,... Read more

May 13, 2009

Is it common for one to feel resentful of the other spouse when empty-nesting?  All I see in my spouse now are all the wrongs I’ve ever felt.  I’m having a really hard time getting over it.  The “empty nest” stage of family development can be both a challenging and rewarding time of life.  So much of what our lives consist of before hitting this stage revolves around creating a family, raising children, and trying to get them successfully launched.... Read more

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