June 23, 2009

I am a female and divorced after many years of marriage. I don’t date as I have children at home I am focusing on raising. I feel like I am a good LDS member but I have masturbated every few months or so. I feel guilty and ashamed about it. Am I bad? It just feels good and once in a while I want it. Does this make me unworthy of being in a relationship someday? Am I not worthy... Read more

June 23, 2009

About education, it becomes tricky in cases (that seem all too common) where there is an imbalance in the relationship regarding the desire for intimacy. For example, although I am sure there is much that I can still learn, I have studied and thought about sexuality for years, so I don’t feel it is education that is lacking for me. Intimacy isn’t important to my wife, so it feels as though there is little I can do to progress in... Read more

June 23, 2009

Regarding recovering from affairs, I also like Shirley Glass’s Not “Just Friends.” It also has some helpful stuff on prevention.  Adam Fisher, M.A. Thank you for the useful information! Read more

June 19, 2009

What about husbands who try to communicate this and have been threatened with divorce? I read of a man who stays in the marriage for his kids, but lives in a nightmare with his wife. (Sir John on StrengtheningMarriage.com/blog. Help for stranded husbands). He loves her of course. But from what I read, I wonder if it is healthy?It seems that from what he writes, his marriage is all give and he is never allowed to take. People threaten divorce... Read more

June 18, 2009

1. I asked a question about coregasm/commented on the exercise question on Tuesday and it wasn’t posted but some people’s later submissions seem to have been posted. Did I miss it or you didn’t get to it yet? I am very interested in people’s comments on this. Thanks!  2. I left a comment last night on the masturbation post and it didn’t show up. Did I say something wrong?  The way I have dealt with my blog so far is that... Read more

June 17, 2009

Not that his choice was your fault…but i wonder if you withdrew sex from him, which made him go in that direction.  I would caution against the notion of holding a person accountable for their spouse’s behavior.  Yes, couples are behaviorally intertwined (meaning that one’s behaviors/attitudes affect the other) and this couple may have been struggling in the area of their sexuality (which on a side note could be easily correlated to the many physical and emotional challenges of having... Read more

June 16, 2009

I’m a bit curious by something. The original poster talked about using physical exercise (kickboxing) to dissipate her sexual tension. In your response, you affirmed exercise as a method for keeping our sexual urges in check. But I’ve heard from other professional resources that regular exercise and becoming physically fit is a good way to restore flagging libido; that both the chemicals released by the body during exercise, and the improved self worth which results from being physically fit, can... Read more

June 15, 2009

How sad that so many women don’t know how to enjoy sex and their sexuality. Yes, I agree.  Women have had a history of being sexually repressed (and repressed in general) from the beginning of documented time.  Different cultures have dealt with sexuality in diverse ways, but in general it has had underlying negative tones (many times for religious reasons).  It’s only been in the past say 50 years that we are beginning to overcome negative sexual perceptions/myths. And we... Read more

June 8, 2009

I am out of the country for this coming week, and will not be posting as regularly.   Read more

June 5, 2009

I recently (on Monday) discovered that my husband has been enrolling in adult friend network sights. Specifically desinged for dating. I confronted him about this and he admitted to me that he has had Internet sex with 3 different women, but has never actually met anyone in person. He explained to me that since I have been on anti depressents he is trying to lessen his desire for physical intimacy so he doesn’t bug me too much for physical intimacy. ... Read more

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