“Dear Muslim Converts…” | Letters to the Ummah

“Dear Muslim Converts…” | Letters to the Ummah July 31, 2017

Dear Muslim Converts Letter
Photo by Magnus Lindvall on Unsplash

Dear Muslim converts,

I know that we are not perfect and I want to tell you all to never stop loving yourself. No one is perfect. I know the life we grew up around can be far different than the religion we are practicing now. Still, don’t forget who you are or where you came from.

Continue to celebrate holidays with your family, if you are near them. You do not have to believe in those holidays; just do it as a means of showing them love and support. As a result, maybe someday they will celebrate your new Muslim holidays with you. Also, keep in mind that many  people in this country who are even Atheists celebrate Christmas. The holiday lost its religious value when it replaced a pagan holiday.

Ignore the Muslim brothers and sisters who tell you that everything you do is wrong. There are very good Muslims who are willing to help. You just have to find them. Even if you cannot find them, remind yourself that at the end of the day, you still have God. Remind yourself that God chose you for this path for a reason.

Don’t forget about where you came from. I was reminiscing the other day about the Packers games I used to attend. You can still do those things when you become Muslim. You can still enjoy those small pleasures in life.

I know you may regret some of the things you did before or even after converting. Do not beat yourself up about it. Always stay humble and true to yourself. No one is perfect except God.

Also, if ever you feel you are in need of someone to talk to you can always reach out to me and message me on my social media.


Anyone who has questions about Islam or conversion, please message me on my Facebook page and watch my YouTube channel. 

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Kaya is a blogger, activist, and freelance writer.

To contribute to the “Letters to the Ummah” series: Visit the “Contribute to MM” page for more information, and submit your letters to MostlyMuslim@gmail.com.

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