A Work in Progress…

A Work in Progress… January 19, 2011

Today started just like most other Wednesday mornings, up too early…making the to-do list in my head, woke the minions and then checked my phone.  2 hour delay!!! 

The whoops and yahoos commenced, victory dancing and hugs.  Hot chocolate was made and I settled down to catch up on my business reading.   Now I’m on my second cup of coffee, and considering what I should write. 

The post that had been brewing?  Or commenting on the article I read this morning?  Both? 

Since the beginning of the year, something new has been afoot in my home, specifically with my oldest daughter. 

She has started practicing wearing Hijab full-time.

Now, for those of you who do not know me in real life, my oldest is not of the age where this would be required of her, and even at her school, she has not reached the grade level where it becomes an obligatory part of the school uniform.  But my daughter came home from school that first day back, and told me that she is making a promise to Allah to cover her hair, and she wanted to wear her salah hijab all day at school. 

I helped her do her hair, and she put on her hijab and we went to school.  The next day, we got ready for school and she asked me to fix her hair for her hijab.  At this point I told her that if she wanted to wear a hijab at school we had to get her white 2 piece uniform hijab instead of the hot pink one she likes to wear for salah.  She has been wearing her hijab to school and whenever we leave the house since then.  It has been 16 days now.

Upon the advise of one of my Halaka Sisters, I spoke to my daughter about practicing wearing hijab and when God requires you to make the choice to wear hijab full-time.  I told my baby girl that as a Muslim girl, God (Allah) will give you a clear, unmistakable sign when you need to make the choice and make the promise to God to cover your hair.  Until you receive this sign, you are allowed to practice.

So, she is practicing.  She wears her hijab to the grocery store, to Ikea, to soccer games and Target.  We are blessed to live in a part of the country that is not shocked to see hijabis, but I see the curious looks when they see that she is my daughter.  I am very mindful of the people who are noticing her, searching their faces for signs of anything negative.  Waiting to shield my sweet girl from anything that would deter her from her choice.

So, in light of my oldest daughter practicing, and being the picky person I am, I set out to make a 2 piece hijab for her.  The one she has been wearing was given to her, and I’ve had to repair it twice already in the short time she has been wearing it.  I was also not happy with the fabric, but not having any experience wearing hijab, I don’t know what fabrics work, what stays and doesn’t slip, what lets your head breathe and doesn’t make your head all itchy.  I took some cotton jersey knit and came up with this:

And now that I have a pattern, I can make them for my Etsy Customers.  So, that’s 2 new items for this year.  The 1 piece adult prayer dress and the 2 piece hijab (adult and child sizes.)

School has been cancelled for today, so I’m off to my sewing table to make a new white hijab set for my lady to wear to school tomorrow.  Then we may just snuggle on the sofa and watch the rest of Annie.

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