July 16, 2010

Exploring identity on PhD in Parenting. 32 My Islamic Life July 16, 2010 at 4:52 pm As the mother of two Muslim daughters, I can remember the first time each one decided to wear their Hijab out in public. The older one decided that she just wanted to continue to wear hers after we had left the Mosque. The younger one wanted to wear one to school. DD#1 took hers off after we had walked around Target for a while... Read more

July 15, 2010

The Islamic Year   Well, it took me a little over a week to finish this book, only because I’m currently reading two others (Nurture Shock and Skybreaker), running Camp Mommy (tm. Manic Mommies) and participating in the rest of my life.  LOL.  Here’s the review!     The Islamic Year: Surahs, Stories and Celebrations was written by Noorah Al-Gailani and Chris Smith.  Noorah is an Iraqi Muslim who has been a religion teacher and at publication, was a curator of a religious museum in London.  Upon doing... Read more

July 7, 2010

Yesterday I went to the library to pick up a copy of Nurture Shock, a book investigating parenting that has been part of a book discussion on AskMoxie.  I was sucked into the discussion because one of the chapters talks about discussing race with your child.  I am always looking for ways to better my parenting skillz, and to make the growing years less painful and traumatic for my posse.  So, a few shelves away, I saw the religious selection... Read more

July 2, 2010

Did not go as planned.  Surprised?  Not really.  The posse and I met with good friends for lunch at the park and next thing you know, it was 4 hours later.  � That’s what happens when I’ve not seen my GF in 6 months!  We made our way back to the house where all the children continued to play…and we still were yakkiing away.  Khaled suggested they all stay for dinner – which was A W E S O M... Read more

July 1, 2010

In the interest of consuming the most healthful foods, buying less processed foods that we can make ourselves and saving a little money, we have been making our own soymilk.  It’s a fairly easy process, and since there are only 2 of us that drink soymilk in the family, one batch lasts 3 weeks.  The byproduct is called Okara, which we have been using, in combination with chickpeas to make Ta’amaia (Filafel).  Now, I know that using chickpeas isn’t Egyptian.... Read more

June 28, 2010

I wanted to find a place to sell the prayer outfits that I make for little girls.  I wanted to share them with other mothers like me, non muslim, non arabic, hacking her way through an Islamic Life.  I wanted to find a way to connect with other parents like me and maybe share what I’ve learned to make their life a little less challenging. Now I have an Etsy site, and to try and promote what I’m attempting, I... Read more

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