The Virgin Mary as Super Hero?

The Virgin Mary as Super Hero? April 18, 2016

The Virgin Mary as Superhero?

Well not exactly but Stephen Ryan’s Vatican thriller The Madonna Files,  described by New York Times bestselling author Frank Schaeffer as “A Powerful book of adventure and faith”,  may change the way you think of the Mother of Christ forever.

StepheTheMadonnaFiles_Cover2n’s fast paced, contemporary thriller makes a strong case that the Virgin Mary is not only a beloved figure among the Catholic faithful but her actual miraculous appearances  on earth in the form of “apparitions” have quite literally changed the course of history throughout the ages.

Interestingly, The Madonna Files is not so much a look back on history but, at its core, the book is deeply rooted in Marian prophecy that pertains to the near future and that Russia is the key – the lynchpin, the regulator of a rapidly approaching political crisis between a rising Christian theocracy in Russia and the United States.

Many readers of Jonathan Cahn’s books “The Harbinger” and “Shemitah” will find The Madonna Files spellbinding. 

The Amazon best seller begins when a secret letter goes missing from the Pope’s apartment. Ambitious prelates with different visions of the Catholic Church believe the holder of the letter controls the power of the Church.

Set in Washington, D.C.,  the novel is a contemporary story of Rene Estabrook,  a beautiful, but lonely Georgetown University History professor  who finds herself a pawn in a deadly power struggle for the soul of the Catholic Church.  

At times, Stephen’s tale of political and religious intrigue reminds the reader of the  Da Vinci Code. Throughout the novel the reader will discover dozens of remarkable historical facts about the Catholic Church and appearances of the Virgin Mary that will surprise and delight.

Daniel Klimek – scholar and Marian expert for the motion picture “Queen of Peace” –  writes:  “I found it to be a great book; a fascinating, fast-paced thriller, written in a strong voice, filled with rich dialogue, complex and colorful characters, a story-line that tackles the most meaningful, religious and political subjects in the world. It is an impressive work…Move over Dan Brown, I was blown away!”

Anne Marie Hauge captures the heart of the Madonna Files in her review for saying: “With an air of National Treasure, or Pier Paul Read’s novel, Death of a Pope, the reader plunges into political controversy, chase scenes, a coded message, and an exposition on Marian apparitions.”

With unexpected turns and a full dose of scholarly intrigue along the way, The Madonna Files is a Vatican thriller that explores the hidden secrets of the Catholic Church.

Stephen Ryan is a member of International Thrillers Writers honorary literary society and is available for interviews and appearances. For booking presentations, media appearances, interviews, and/or book-signings please contact Stephen at ryan mystic










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