Catholic Prophecy Unfolding…USA Media Should Understand: Today Russia and the Church are one. A challenge to Russian ideal of Self from the West will be met with very uncertain consequences…

Catholic Prophecy Unfolding…USA Media Should Understand: Today Russia and the Church are one. A challenge to Russian ideal of Self from the West will be met with very uncertain consequences… September 28, 2016

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In a question and answer session Medjugorje visionary Mirjana,  on 3rd October 2009, was asked “Has Our Lady said anything about other apparitions?” Her answer: “Only about Fatima. Our Lady said “What I have started in Fatima I will finish in Medjugorje. My heart will triumph”. I cannot go into details. That’s the only apparition she mentioned aside from Medjugorje. “


The Russian State’s close ties to the Russia Orthodox Church is the single most misunderstood and important issue in the world today. Russia and the Church are one. Russia’s sense of patriotism and self-identity is tied to Christianity. A challenge to this Russian ideal from the West will be met with very uncertain consequences.

Please Watch these videos..

The Great Revival of Christianity in Russia

The Queen of Peace at Medjugorje:

As the calendar marches rapidly towards 2o17 it is worth noting that May 13, 2o17 marks the 1oo year anniversary of the great Marian apparition that took place at Fatima.  In these decisive and turbulent times there are many Marian experts that believe the one hundred year anniversary is a significant milestone in the world of Catholic prophecy. What is not always apparent is that Russia has been singled out by the Blessed Mother, both at Fatima and Medjugorje.

And now out of nowhere Russia has emerged onto the world stage and this emergence has caught top US foreign policy analysts flat-footed and surprised. Finally, Main Stream Media is paying attention.

Today on the front page of the New York Time: In Expanding Russian Influence, Faith Combines With Firepower .  Also today on the Washington Post Front page:  As Russia reasserts itself, U.S. intelligence agencies focus anew on the Kremlin

But for some Catholics who follow Medjugorje closely and understand Medjugorje is  tied to Fatima, Russia has always played an important role in Catholic prophecy.
The Virgin Mary in 1917 spoke of  Russia at Fatima.  : Our Lady of Fatima said “I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me.

The Bishop of Fatima said  “The message of Fatima applies to Russia. Fatima and Russia are one.”

Cardinal Ottaviani said of the  Fatima  secrets:  “If there was one dominant element to the Third Secret of Fatima , it is Russia.”

**At Medjugorje Our Lady, the Queen of Peace said: “Russia will come to glorify God the most; the West has made civilization progress but without God and act as if they are their own creator.”**


Pope John Paul II’s reign was defined by his role in defeating atheist communism including “consecrating Russia to Her Immaculate Heart” thus fulfilling Our Lady’s wish in 1984.

Pope John Paul II’s close friend, Bishop Hnlinca, said of the fall of the Soviet Union “The present bishop of Fatima once told me, “I was the secretary to the former bishop. I interviewed Lucia, and built the sanctuary of Fatima. At the end of his life he was paralyzed. As his secretary I was also his driver. One time as he limped toward me on his cane and said, ‘Let us bring Mary to Moscow, to Russia!’ I had to laugh. How could we bring the statue of Mary to Russia? Should I drive the car there? A paralyzed bishop with a statue in his hands all the way to Russia?” But today, twenty years later, after the time I spent in the concentration camp in Czechoslovakia, during which we studied the message of Fatima, I understand what the bishop meant in those days: “The message of Fatima applies to Russia. Fatima and Russia are one.”In no country on earth is she so loved as in Russia, and nowhere are so many hearts praying to her as in Russia. Often I have said to Satan with regard to Communism, “You made a strategic mistake when you chose Russia as the locus of the battle. Russia is the country of Our Lady. Here she is called Bogorodica, which means Mother of God. You will lose in Russia. Already you are on the losing side.”

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