Muslim Ban, Anti-Blackness and African American Muslims

Muslim Ban, Anti-Blackness and African American Muslims January 30, 2017

Hind Makki – The #MuslimBan is anti-Black racism intersecting with Islamophobia


I’m profoundly disappointed to learn that some of my sisters and brothers are apprehensive about fighting against the #MuslimBan.

I’m all too familiar with the feeling that I’m here for the causes of others, while they ignore the issues close to my heart. But, here’s the thing: the #MuslimBan actually directly impacts Black Muslims from Somalia and Sudan. People whose Black bodies are in constant danger in their new country, the United States, are now systematically being targeted on the basis of their country of origin.

The #MuslimBan is anti-Black racism intersecting with Islamophobia.

Next: Kameelah Rashad – This is What Black Muslims Do

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