For Those of You Limping Into Monday

For Those of You Limping Into Monday February 17, 2014

Can we be honest and say that sometimes we don’t look forward to Mondays? Maybe it’s a job we loathe. Maybe it’s the prospect of working for a boss that we can’t stand or a work situation that demeans us. Maybe you partied too hard this weekend trying to “live life” before you have to crash down to reality. Perhaps you’re just at a spot where you’re not happy with your lot in life, and Monday signals another week, another week where nothing has changed and nothing seems to be getting better.

Depending on what type of motivation/encouragement you need, let me see if I can motivate you to make your Monday better:

For the ones who need a shoulder to cry on: God is there for you. He really is. Even if it may not seem like it, God’s heart breaks with yours. You’re his daughter, you’re his son. He grieves with you through the valleys of life. I know you wish sometimes that God would wave a magic wand and take all your problems away, but that’s not going to happen. Know this, though: you’re not alone. God is with you. Take comfort in that.

For the ones who need some tough love: So life sucks. What are you going to do about it? You can waste your entire life being the victim. The good life doesn’t come to those who never get knocked down. Everyone gets knocked down. The good life comes to the ones who choose to get back up. So get up. You’re better than this. God created you for more than this.

For the ones who need perspective: So you had a bad week/month/year. Maybe this whole chapter in your life needs a rewrite. Although you can’t go back and change how your story started, you can still choose how your story ends. Start writing a better ending for your story, for your family, for your life. Come with me to Haiti and see poverty at its most foundational level. You have a good life. Start living like it.

For the ones who need a vision of something bigger to hold onto: Everyone whom God used in the Bible went through significant periods of trial and testing. God used those moments to refine his people into vessels that he could use to change the world. So, if you’re going through a hard time, maybe God’s just preparing you to change the world. Never lose sight of the bigger vision and purpose that God has for your life.

Whichever way you go, I pray that you can get up and punch Monday in the face. Make this week a significant one in your life.

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