Why I'm Preaching in Saints Gear This Sunday

Why I'm Preaching in Saints Gear This Sunday September 3, 2014

We dress casual at Mt Vernon, but we’ve never dressed this casual before. We’re asking everyone who comes this Sunday (Sept. 7) to dress in their favorite team’s gear. We’ll see a lot of Mississippi State, Ole Miss, Alabama and Auburn fans decked out from head to toe. I’m more of an NFL guy, so I’ll be representing my New Orleans “Who Dat” Saints. Why?


Because this Sunday we’re kicking off a new sermon series called “Fanatics,” where we’re leveraging our love of sports as a picture of what true devotion looks like. Middle aged men who sit stone-walled in the pews of a church and refuse to sing in worship because it’s beneath them will dance up and down when their favorite team scores and will cry like a girl when their favorite team loses. They know what passion looks like, just not in the church.

I can talk about anything I want to on Sundays in September, but there’s only one thing that people are talking about Monday through Saturday: football. The SEC is king. The NFL has followers nationwide. Since we’re all talking about one thing during the week, we’ll leverage that same thing on Sundays to see what we can learn about being devoted fanatics of God.

Look forward to seeing you there! If you’re not in town, you can Livestream our services at: www.mtvchurch.tv.

You can always catch up on my sermons on my Vimeo page: www.vimeo.com/joshdaffern.

Who Dat!

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