January 11, 2023

Raise your hand if you’ve felt personally victimized by an inability to meditate.  For years I struggled with the concept of meditation. How could it be possible to silence these thoughts permeating my brain? My mind felt like it was a cerebral version of bumper cars. Every thought toppled into the next as they vied for my attention and their chance to be center stage. The idea of taming them felt like it would be an impossible feat. I had... Read more

January 8, 2023

January is Mental Wellness month, and it couldn’t be more timely.  In fact, the third Monday in January has been dubbed “Blue Monday” by some, as it is considered the most depressing day of the year for many. And why wouldn’t it be? All the tell-tale signs are there. We have just survived a hectic holiday season. While the holidays can be a beautiful time, the pressures of coordinating events, gifts, travel, and funding all of the above take their... Read more

January 1, 2023

The earth moves through a kaleidoscope of seasons throughout the year. It shifts from vibrant florals and bright rays of sunshine to pale blankets of snow. Right now, the skies outside of my window are a pale gray that only seems to exist during this time of year.  At this point in the Northern Hemisphere, we’ve settled into the “darker months.” The dark months are aptly named as this is the portion of the year where the nights outlive the... Read more

December 25, 2022

When is the pagan New Year? Well, there are a few different schools of thought about defining when the year officially comes to a close.  Many pagans believe that Samhain’s passing marks the beginning of the New Year. Primarily, this comes from Celtic traditions, where Samhain was celebrated as the last harvest of the year and the start of winter, thus, the beginning of a new year. This is also, in part, because of the emphasis on death within this... Read more

December 18, 2022

Capricorn Season will arrive alongside the Winter Solstice as the sun moves into the sign on December 21st, 2022. The shortest day of the year, and the longest night, jumpstarts this studious Capricorn Season.  With the sun shifting from the lighthearted sign of Sagittarius into the more serious Capricorn, we can take the ideas and inspiration we’ve garnered in the previous season and apply them to the next.  Capricorn is a pragmatic energy that instinctively understands the steps to take... Read more

December 14, 2022

With an additional heap of intention, teas become small potions in cute cups. Each herb used in these deliciously crafted beverages has a metaphysical correspondence, but many of them have medicinal benefits as well.  In my own practice, simplicity is best. Teas fit so effortlessly into my routine that it’s a simple way to bring magic into the mundane. I love a good multipurpose spell, and with the weather growing colder, this is the optimal time to bust out some... Read more

December 9, 2022

The Winter Solstice is an annual occurrence that takes place on the shortest day of the year. This year, that day falls on December 21st. While the day of is often the pinnacle of the celebration, the days leading up to the festivities are equally as important.  On the Wheel of the Year, Yule is the midpoint between Samhain and Imbolc. In Samhain, we honor our ancestors and the cycle of transformation and death. In Imbolc, we celebrate the emergence... Read more

December 7, 2022

What is retrograde? Well, simply put, it is an optical illusion.  Earth moves faster or slower than other planets as they each move at different speeds. So, when Earth laps another planet, the planet appears to be moving backward from our vantage point here on Earth. In my own practice, I like to utilize astrology as a tool for growth. In the same vein as shadow work or pulling tarot cards, it is helpful to highlight the areas in our... Read more

December 4, 2022

What is it that makes a witch? Is it stiletto black nails and the coordinating black ensemble with bold jewelry, topped off with a matching pointy hat? Or maybe cloaked in garments that both channel and pay homage to our high priestess, Stevie Nicks. Perhaps our homes would be filled with jars, bundles of herbs hanging from the ceiling, and kitschy mushroom decor strategically placed. Full disclosure: I love all of those things, but they don’t make or break a... Read more

November 30, 2022

The magic of December is upon us. If we haven’t already, we may be preparing to pick out a Yule tree to decorate or beginning to spruce up our abodes with foliage for the season. This is a time-honored tradition that spans centuries. In this article, I have included a handful of some of the most useful herbs and greenery for this holiday season. Mistletoe   Mistletoe is a parasitic plant with a rich history of being used for protection,... Read more

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