Cardinal Cupich and American Jewish Committee Come Together to Battle Anti-Semitism

Cardinal Cupich and American Jewish Committee Come Together to Battle Anti-Semitism August 23, 2023

A Catholic Cardinal’s meeting with AJC (American Jewish Committee) stood as a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle of anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial.

In our era, interfaith connections are greatly needed.

The core belief in equality for the entirety of humanity is a value that must be nourished by all faiths.

This sentiment resonated greatly at the recent Conference of World Religions.

A Catholic Cardinal’s meeting with AJC (American Jewish Committee) stood as a beacon of hope, in the ongoing battle of anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial.

I grew up under the dark cloud of Holocaust reminiscence.

After I learned of this significant and powerful engagement, my heart was left with a guiding light of hopefulness.


At the heart of this encounter was a prominent Catholic Cardinal from Chicago, Cardinal Blasé J. Cupich.

At the heart of this encounter was a prominent Catholic Cardinal from Chicago, Cardinal Blasé J. Cupich.

Cardinal Blasé has consistently used his platform to denounce anti-Semitism and vigorously combat Holocaust denial.

Something that has not gone unrecognized and actually been given an honorary reward for.

I am a Jew, a decedent of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, but mostly I am a member of humanity.

Therefore, for his commitment to fostering unity and understanding among all faiths, I am greatly grateful.


Two BoyCousins Huggihg
Photo by-Susan P.Lax Togetherness

AJC and the Cardinal send out an influential and robust message.

The meeting between the Cardinal and the AJC signifies a collective and powerful effort to fight two very pressing issues.

The first, battling anti-Semitism, a deeply embedded prejudice.

One, that has and continues to infect societies worldwide.

Anti-Semitism is at a rise in the United States and globally.

The second, Holocaust denial, a strong insult to history,

Hoping to erase the memory of one of the darkest times in human history.

AJC and the Cardinal send out an influential and robust message

By uniting to combat both of these crucial challenges,


“This was a unique opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to Cardinal Cupich for his steadfast commitment to combating resurgent antisemitism and Holocaust denial and assuring and expanding Catholic-Jewish relations,” said Rabbi Noam Marans, AJC Director of Interreligious and Intergroup Relations. “The Cardinal’s steadfast voice reminds everyone that antisemitism is not a Jewish problem. It is one we must all solve.”

“There is one word that defines our relationship with the Jewish people, ‘irrevocable.’ God’s covenant with the people of Israel is irrevocable and Catholics should engage Jews with this notion as our North Star,” Cardinal Cupich said.

I believe this meeting is symbolic of the broader interfaith movement’s role.

I believe this meeting is symbolic of the broader interfaith movement’s role.

In promoting tolerance, understanding, and respect among all the diverse faith groups.

I know that our world is sailing on very difficult seas, where compassion and respect for others can be scarce.

The Cardinal and AJC shinned a light on what is possible.

The Conference of World Religions brings together leaders and scholars from various faiths.

It is a platform where the emphasis on shared values can be discussed.

This joint meeting between Cardinal Cupich and AJC signals their dedication to nurturing collaboration.

By doing so, they are paving the way to enrich educational awareness on these topics.

Stating clearly that there is no place for hatred.

While there is infinite room for understanding.

The coming together of a catholic Cardinal and a Jewish advocacy organization on such important issues is hope.

Hope for more interfaith collaboration.

Thus, essentially will create a better world for the present and generations to come.










About Susan P.Lax
When one of Susan’s closest friends was fighting cancer and had to focus on trying to heal, they didn’t speak as often as they once did. To make sure Stephanie knew that Susan was always thinking of her each day, Susan emailed her friend a healing, positive thought first thing in the morning. Slowly, Susan discovered an ability to translate her heart words into written ones and more and more people began to receive Susan’s “Morning Inspiration” which is from where her book, A HEART’S LANDSCAPE, derived. Right now, especially with all happening in the world, Susan offers deep reminders with words and warm visuals – to take a moment and just pause – get away from the inundation and put the chaos away. Susan’s heart words and inspiring visuals guide readers to take a moment and escape all adversity and focus on carving out one joyful moment with the hope that it will lead to other good moments. You can read more about the author here.
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