Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has Succeeded in Disrupting the Flow of Unity

Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has Succeeded in Disrupting the Flow of Unity August 9, 2023

Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has succeeded in disrupting the flow of unity even within myself.

Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has succeeded in disrupting the flow of unity even within myself.

I am heading back to NYC after 3 and a half weeks of being in Tel-Aviv.

Ranked one of the happiest cities in the world.


I am used to switching gears from my Israeli mode to my NY one.

Both, live contently in my heart.

Because I spend time in both cities, I can quickly adjust.

My language, mentality and even humor seem to find their way on both sides of the ocean.

However, this time I am not sure my heart or soul will be able to do the switch so easily.

The pro dictatorship Israel government is doing everything in its power to fight unity.

Therefore, as I get ready to pack up my home here, I feel I am leaving a part of me behind.

The part of me that has gone out every Sat. Evening with hundreds of thousands other Israelis to pro-democracy protests.

As well as midweek spontaneous ones.

I will set foot in N.Y with a big part of my heart and soul left in Tel-Aviv.

Tel-Aviv Coast
The  Tel-Aviv View From My Apartment-Photo-Susan P. Lax




All in the name of equality for all citizens of Israel.

It is hard to describe the empowering feeling of being surrounded by good from every angle.

That is what it feels like to be at a rally here in Israel these days.

A crowd filled with so many people that have never met before, offer each other compassion and understanding.

I witnessed, women, men, children, religious, secular old, gay and brown colored.

All standing in the name of equality for all citizens of Israel.

It is an existential moment in Israel’s history, and we must rely on our voices and the power they have.



Israelis Protesting for Democracy
Photo-Susan P. Lax-Saturday Night Israeli Pro-Democracy Protest


The message of Netanyahu’s evil government surrounded me.

However, last Sat night as I was on my way home from a rally, the message of Netanyahu’s evil government surrounded me.

Walking with the Israeli flag in one hand and hope in the other, a young girl, attacked me.

She justified her physical and abrupt push in the name of Netanyahu and his corrupt messaging.

Her words of hatred were like no other I have heard directed at me.

The multi colored bruise on my arm was proof of the tare and anti-unity Bibi had created.

I was overwhelmed with sadness, and trauma.

I walked home with the comfort of a dear friend beside me.

This incident is the face of a government that aims to strip its citizens from their rights,

Women, Secular, non-ultra-Orthodox Jews, Palestinians and anyone that is not exactly like them.


 I believe that all though there are many battles to get through, democracy will have a seat in Israel.

For those of you that have read my Patheos columns before or receive my newsletter, the positivity I am about to end with here is not a surprise.

I have great faith in the power of hope and the beauty of humanity.

I believe that all though there are many battles to get through,  a new kind of democracy will have a seat in Israel.

But this time around it will be done with more awareness and inclusivity.

The strong desire for a peaceful, just and loving country will win.

Unity will once again find a place in the streets of Israel.

In the meanwhile, I will continue to be an ambassador for the Israel pro-democracy movement in the United States.


About Susan P.Lax
When one of Susan’s closest friends was fighting cancer and had to focus on trying to heal, they didn’t speak as often as they once did. To make sure Stephanie knew that Susan was always thinking of her each day, Susan emailed her friend a healing, positive thought first thing in the morning. Slowly, Susan discovered an ability to translate her heart words into written ones and more and more people began to receive Susan’s “Morning Inspiration” which is from where her book, A HEART’S LANDSCAPE, derived. Right now, especially with all happening in the world, Susan offers deep reminders with words and warm visuals – to take a moment and just pause – get away from the inundation and put the chaos away. Susan’s heart words and inspiring visuals guide readers to take a moment and escape all adversity and focus on carving out one joyful moment with the hope that it will lead to other good moments. You can read more about the author here.
"Very insightful article, thanks!"

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