“March 2 Justice” Mid Week Special

“March 2 Justice” Mid Week Special April 15, 2015
This week, activists, including Linda Sarsour (executive director of Arab American Association of NY), embark on a 250 mile march from New York to Washington, DC.
Critics Of Police Tactics Begin March From New York To Washington DC

(from atlantadailyworld.com)

100 plus people are marching across a bridge chanting and holding signs that demand justice. They are activists, artists, ministers, young mothers and fathers, children, students, the formerly incarcerated and everyone in between. They are black, white and brown, Christian and Muslim, atheist and agnostic. They have been meeting in the evenings, after full days of work at their respective jobs, in conference rooms and church basements and schools for the past several months. They’ve carefully planned their route, they’ve trained their bodies and thought through their response to any opposition that they might face on their journey, some of which has already come from local officials decrying their march as for no other reason than to “make a scene.”
In wake of the murder of Walter Scott last week, and after months of protest following the verdicts in the cases of Eric Garner in New York and Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, the week-long march is led by Justice League NYC. As they march, they are registering voters and will be delivering a “Justice Package” to Congress of legislative proposals “that aim to end racial profiling, demilitarize the police force, and invest in community based alternatives to incarceration for young people.” 

According to Linda Sarsour’s Twitter updates, she is in Philadelphia today:

You can follow the march via Twitter and Facebook by following the Hashtag #March2Justice.

Sabina Khan-Ibarra is a freelance writer and editor. She regularly contributes to her blog, Ibrahim’s Tree which she created after the loss of her infant son in 2011. She created Muslimah Montage as a platform for women to share their stories. Sabina currently lives in Davis, CA and working on her memoir. Follow Sabina on Twitter: @muslimahmontage


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