The Solitary Defense

The Solitary Defense October 5, 2010

There has been much said in the community in recent years about the emergence of solitary practice as the primary choice of individuals coming into our community. Recently a member of the Pagan press asked me how this affects the future of Wiccan and Pagan organizations. As a solitary who is involved with several Pagan organizations, it seemed a reasonable question, to which I had no answer.

Over several months, it has been my intent to seek the insight needed to address this question. My un-scientific inquiry was focused on the effects on Pagan organizations and not the inherent value of a Solitary vs. Coven experience of the craft, a subject that has been over debated if anything.

Solitaries I have spoken to have been deeply involved with Pagan issues via public rituals, the Internet and Pagan organizations. Not surprising, considering these are the Solitaries who are the most visible. This group has brought new energy, openness and insight to our Pagan organizations.

But what of the complete Solitaries, those who practice alone and do not engage in the larger Pagan community? Gathering insights from this group was more difficult. Seeking those who wish not to be found would be intrusive, unethical and beyond what I was willing to do to satisfy my curiosity.

Over several months, I have been able to speak to a few Solitary Witches who I have noticed wearing a pentagram and in one case had a sign in her place of business saying, “The Witch is in”. While I am sure they have deeply meaningful practices their reaction to being engaged was an eye opening experience for me. While all were willing to speak to me, each gave the same answer to my questions.

Question: Have you ever supported a Pagan rights organization or cause?

Answer: I am a Solitary

Additional questions concerning following Pagan discrimination cases, giving to organizations that fight for Pagan rights and joining a national organization were met with variations of the same response.

Each time this response was given there was a pause and blank stare as if “I am a Solitary” was some magik phrase that explained everything. For the purpose of this piece let’s call this the “Solitary Defense”.

There are many potential explanations for these responses. Most have been well discussed, past Witch wars, bad community experiences, an individual experience of the Devine etc. What interests me is not how they developed their views but how it effects our organizations.

These are Pagans who appear to make no connection between their ability to openly display their faith and the years of work by Pagan organizations that has gone into gaining acceptance for them. With no interest in furthering Pagan causes, these individuals are unlikely allies for Pagan organizations.

Clearly, the advent of Pagans who use the “Solitary Defense” effects our ability to bring the community together in the continuing effort to gain Pagan rights and acceptance. We have had many successes in establishing civil rights for Pagans. It would be a shame if they are eroded by a trend towards apathy and disengagement form the greater Pagan community.

This course of investigation did leave me with the impression we are the victims of our own success. As a result of the efforts of our Pagan organizations, many can now openly express their faith preference. While we celebrate this success, let us pause to educate our new community members on how their rights were achieved and the importance of defending all we have gained.

Yes, I am a Solitary, for me this title means,

I practice my craft alone

I Honor all paths to the Devine

I defend the rights of others to approach the Goddess in their own way

I am willing to learn and grow in my faith

I engage in activities that support the spiritual health of my community

I support those organizations that have gained for me the rights I enjoy

To my Solitary sisters and brothers who support Pagan causes, you are a shining light that brings a rich tapestry of experience to the Pagan community

To Solitaries who practice in secret for their own safety, you are not alone and are supported in your faith.

To those who use the “Solitary Defense” While I honor your decision to seek the Devine alone, let me suggest you consider transforming your spiritual beliefs into spiritual responsibility.

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