Building Infrastructure- The Web of Mutual Support

Building Infrastructure- The Web of Mutual Support February 22, 2013

Over the past months I have been part of many conversations about building community infrastructure. These discussions often focus on our lack of ability as a community to come together in support of efforts that benefit the community as a whole but have a tenuous link to the interests of specific communities.  Our current tendency of supporting only that, which has a clear “local” benefit, limits our ability to achieve lasting infrastructure.
What if the community were to establish a “Web of Mutual Support”? This web would focus the community on worthwhile projects that feature transparency and clear benefit to the larger community; each of us shifting the focus of the web to new projects as they arise. East coast projects would receive the support of the entire community in building infrastructure and when a mid west project emerged the web would shift its’ entire support to a new project.
What would the Pagan world be like if such a national ethic of mutual aid were to emerge?  Pagan land, worship centers, libraries and Pagan emergency assistance projects could flourish, leaving a much more stable community to future generations. Simple reciprocity of effort can manifest a healthy community that allows for the growth of our community.
With this in mind I am proposing that the community engage in a focused effort to support Christopher Penczak’s efforts to meet local codes and open the new Temple of Witchcraft space.  Funding a parking lot may sound like a mundane effort, but establishing a lasting Pagan temple space benefits the entire community.
If you believe your community can benefit from a nation wide effort to establish community space, I urge you to support this effort.  One day soon it may be your local community that needs the attention and support of the community. We need to begin establishing this ethic and a project like this, with a well-established organization, that is transparent and focused on community service is a great place to start.
So lets boost this signal, share widely, post and re post, contribute funds and write about establishing lasting and meaningful infrastructure.
To donate go here:
For more information go here:
We can do this!

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