A Very Merry Christmas, Pagans Included!

A Very Merry Christmas, Pagans Included! December 25, 2014

In Denver the gray clouds are rolling in, there is a calm preceding the impending storm.  At my in-laws home all is draped in the festive colors of the season. Voices are seemingly hushed in deference to the holiday.  Aromas swirl around me as we prepare for the coming meal.  The faces of extended family yet to arrive manifest an inner smile.  I am comforted in my memories of holidays past.  There are a plethora of sweat emotional visions that emerge from my unconscious, I am awash in the tradition of my ancestors and I find myself in the Christmas Sprit.
Yes, I am through and through a Pagan, yet in this day,  I find a spiritual silence and inner calm that emerges at no other time of the year.  A brief trip to the gas station reminds me of the absence of the bustle of everyday life.  On empty streets the few cars move with suppressed urgency as if the occupants are moving towards the sure embrace of love, joy and peace.
If it is the energy of the Christians’ Christ that manages to urge our culture to suspend the mad rush that is life; then I am grateful to their Christ beyond words.  The sense that humanity is taking a day off from all the conflict, debate and turmoil comforts me; It enriches me with the hope that one day the blessed people of the earth will come together and evolve past the lines that divide us.
So today, I am grateful for my Christian friends who welcome me as I participate in the spirit of the day. The spiritual energy of millions focused on family, joy and love cannot be ignored.  While our beliefs differ I am in awe of the peaceful energy raised on this day.
So yes I am wishing you a merry Christmas and inviting all my Pagan friends to bathe in the spirit of your holiday, we are blessed!

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