Terrorism and Community Hyperbole

Terrorism and Community Hyperbole January 3, 2016





Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net




For decades Americans have labeled all they disagree with as Terrorism effectively dehumanizing those who believe in causes we disagree with. Observing the extremist in our nation label the Occupy Movement, Black Lives Matter and environmental groups as terrorist has become old hat.


The ever-increasing need to “other” those we disagree with is a national sickness that only further divides us as a nation. Gone are the days when reasonable people would ask “what makes a group feel so isolated as to engage in such actions”? Nowhere to be seen are the peacemakers seeking understanding, compassion and compromise.


Today I awoke to many of my community members posting about the “White Terrorist” takeover of a U.S. Fish and Wildlife facility in the Pacific Northwest. Such strong language got me to poking into the issue seeking a broader understanding. I went to both sites that support the action and those opposed. Let me state clearly, personally I totally oppose their actions and approach to the issues at hand.


That being said, I also oppose the mass Hyperbole in the press. These individuals are engaging in a protest, granted one I disagree with, but a protest nonetheless. Calls for the National Guard to remove them are outlandish.


In many cases those re-posting such calls are people from my own community who have supported many other protests calling for racial, social, economic and environmental justice. I find their response to a protest on the right distasteful and not inline with the value we all place on the right to dissent. It is after all dissent that waters the roots of freedom!


This action in the Northwest is a great opportunity to point out how white people with privilege are treated differently than minorities when engaging in protest. We should, however, be calling for the government to use their current policy of restraint during all protests as a standard rather than demonizing the protesters to the point where violence in inevitable.


If we believe in the ability to change the world through civil disobedience, should we not avoid calling for violence against those with whom we disagree?


The people involved in this protest embrace a view of America I find distorted, distasteful and full of dangerous ideas. Yet they are not terrorists, by definition terrorists attack innocent civilians in order to inspire terror. This group has simply occupied a remote vacant facility over a holiday weekend.


Lets keep the pressure up in pointing out how differently these protesters are being treated because of their privilege.

Lets not allow the to nation to ignore how when people of color engage in less aggressive actions they are attacked by authorities.


Lets openly oppose the views of Militia groups everywhere with ideas and not calls for violence.


Let’s not engage in hyperbole that encourages violence and the erosion of our own rights as Americans.



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