Fun Times

Fun Times September 7, 2014

Normally my posts are much more philosophical than this. They are also usually posted much earlier in the day. I’m exhausted, from a crazy awesome day with another witch friend and her husband.

We drove out to Lafayette Indiana. There is a place called Von’s Shops. There is no one type of store, but there is one room full of crystals. I do a great deal with crystal magic. There was a place full of books, and there were some hand-made ones with very Celtic Pagan images. There were a great many tarot and trinket boxes, and shelves of totem animal statues. There was also jewelry and a portion of the store selling actual records and record players. I ended up with about fifteen new crystals, a few gifts for friends, and some really good chocolate.
As I said in my previous post, good friends and good times are not to be taken for granted. They are priceless, and can teach us so much. Today was an example of this. I have three girlfriends. I hope I can always keep them close.
It seems like our divine guides occasionally have us do something directly. Maeve’s goal has been to get me to work on my resentment of femininity, and to make me realize that while I am free to be a fighter, there’s more to true feminine expression than shallow obsession with appearance. One of the tasks I did for her was to rid my life of skin care and beauty products that contained large amounts of synthetic chemicals. I didn’t use much in the first place, but within a month everything from shampoo to lipstick either came from a seller who did not perform animal testing, and was either all or mostly organic in nature. This did three things: make me realize that I was fighting for the environment and animal rights by not supporting brands that are a detriment to the well-fare of nature; make me enjoy taking care of myself with no guilt; and make me realize I can stand my ground and be self-confident while doing it. That self-confidence runs deeper than skin. I am taking care of my body in ways I enjoy, and taking care of the earth.
Today was pretty enjoyable, as have been most of her tasks. This one just involved me getting two stones. One is agatized coral. Found in Florida, it’s around 30 million years old, and it’s kind of like petrified wood, only formed around little coral pollips instead. The other is dessert rose chalcedony. I think it’s different from the stone actually called dessert rose. I’m not sure the ladder could withstand being polished. Not sure of it’s properties. It’s beautiful and fragile, but seems actually pretty hard. I suspect I have not seen the end of what she wants me to do with them. But when you connect to a god or goddess as a sentient being, you can tell when they mean for you to do something.
There’s not much of a tie-in to disability here, I know that. I’m trying to think of something. Both of my friends are decent guides, without making me feel like they feel they have to take care of me because I’m just not capable. They really don’t mind. Which is good. Walking in new places, especially places with high traffic, lots of people somewhat broken sidewalks, can be nerve wracking. That, and when the light and shadows make my already-impaired depth perception useless, it can create some anxiety. The key though, is being with people you can trust not to make the situation worse. I guess that’s a good life philosophy. If they make your life worse and have nothing you can learn from them, maybe they are not worth it once you are done teaching them whatever the gods want you to. Just a thought.
Anyway I know this was kind of an off-hand post, kind of like I was writing in a journal. Just didn’t want to disappoint anyone. Good night, and blessed be.

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