November 2, 2014

Each Samhain I review my life from the year before and ponder my own death and contact my beloved dead. Read more

November 1, 2014

This is the second of a three-part series written by Staff of Asclepius contributors on death and rebirth, in honor of the Samhain celebration. In his post, Nornoriel discussed the many funeral rituals available to various Pagan groups and traditions, and the contrasting lack of rites for the dying. In college, I had the disastrous impulse to attempt a sociology minor. The only class I did well in was Sociology of Death and Dying. It gave me a perspective on... Read more

October 23, 2014

Many years ago, when I was in my twenties, I began to dream of a young woman my age. She had long stringy dirty hair. She had black eyes set deep into a sunken face. Her nails were long and pointed and she wore tattered clothing. She was all grey like a wraith and she screamed as she came closer and closer haunting me throughout the night. Read more

October 16, 2014

I have this problem that when I become stressed out or depressed I get narcoleptic. All I want to do is sleep instead of doing things around the house or facing what it is that bothers me. It’s just too easy to lay down, close my eyes and drift off into another reality. This doesn’t solve anything though and I end up in a circle of anxiety and I chastise myself. Why didn’t you do the dishes? Why didn’t you... Read more

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