November 1, 2016

The word "witch" is being used in a variety of different ways to describe Hillary Clinton, for both good and for ill. Read more

October 30, 2016

The idea that the "veil is thin" is not just a poetic turn of phrase, for those of us that walk the path of the Witch, it's a part of October. The thinning of the veil is as much a part of Autumn as the falling of the leaves and the shortening of daylight. Read more

October 24, 2016

Go behind the curtain with artist Matt Hughes as we talk about what goes into creating a brand new Tarot Deck. Read more

October 20, 2016

Halloween began in the British Isles but many of its most hallowed traditions emerged in North America, and it's current world-wide popularity can very much be attributed to how popular the holiday has become in the United States. It's not an American holiday in the traditional sense but it's one we helped to shape and popularize. Read more

October 18, 2016

When Jason visits New Orleans, it's all about Marie Laveau and Voodoo. Read more

October 11, 2016

The occult is usually absent from Presidential contests, but it's becoming a part of this year's election cycle. Read more

October 6, 2016

A god that needs people to facilitate an introduction has no agency, and I’d take it a step further, those gods are impotent. Whatever power those gods had is waning, never existed, or is being directed in precisely the wrong directions. Read more

October 4, 2016

California's Bay Area is one of the most magickal and Witchy spots on Earth! Here are some things to do if and when you get to visit. Read more

October 3, 2016

Our faiths are about what we believe, they aren't about how our neighbor interprets what we hold dear. The world would be a in lot better shape today if we stopped caring so much about what everyone else thinks about our religions and instead focused on our own practices. Read more

September 29, 2016

There's plenty wrong with this world, let's channel our energy into being outraged at the things that actually matter. Read more

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