Small Successes #11

Small Successes #11 March 4, 2010

It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So over at Faith and Family that’s what we do every week.


 Had a successful grocery trip alone with 3 children. Amazingly no one cried, screamed, whined or had to pee.


Moved that mountain of stuff (from the rest of the house) that was collected in my room to the basement. Where I will continue to sort and give it away. I am so excited that my house is almost completely de-cluttered and organized! (With the exception of my basement of course!)


In the process of writing this blog post on small children, I realized that I have a system that works pretty well for me at the moment, and that’s pretty exciting. Plus I finally finished that blog post, so that’s a success too. Hop over and read it if you would like to share your breakthroughs with us.

Go to Faith and Family Live to see more Small Successes and share your own.

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