“Genesis for Normal People” coming out in Print with Leader Guide.

“Genesis for Normal People” coming out in Print with Leader Guide. July 23, 2012

Sometime in the next few weeks, Genesis for Normal People: A Guide to the Most Controversial, Misunderstood, and Abused Book of the Bible will be released in print form and available through Amazon. Many of our readers (who apparently live in the Stone Age with no internet connection) were asking for a print version, and Patheos has come through big-time.

We will announce the exact date it is available as soon as we know it.

Also, co-author Jared Byas and I have written a leader guide for the book.

We heard that some are reading Genesis for Normal People in groups, and so we thought it would be helpful for you to have some type of guide for group discussions. We especially thought this would be of help to group leaders as they prepare and guide these groups.

For each chapter we have written:

A summary of the main points,

Study questions to help spark conversation, and

Notes for leaders to help prime the pump as they prepare and also lead the group in conversation.

The details have not been worked out, but for those who already downloaded Genesis for Normal People, some arrangement will be made for you to be able to download the leader guide. At this point, though, we do not know what that arrangement will be, so stay tuned.

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