December 24, 2012

Here's an early Christmas gift for you: the best voice in popular music, Christina Aguilera, with the most amazing vocal of her career, and it's a Christmas song! Whether you like pop or not, you will love this. [VIDEO] Read more

December 23, 2012

Festivus, celebrated on December 23, is the ultimate postmodern holiday. It's ironic not only in how it's executed but in its very inception. It's a sarcastic spoof of family holidays, with a bitter slant -- making a joke out of how unpleasant they can often be. Read more

December 22, 2012

A beautiful rendition of Ave Maria sung by Jewel -- not a Christmas carol but widely adopted into the holiday sacred music repertoire. Read more

December 20, 2012

One of the things that has always bothered me about Santa as a childish God archetype is the naughty list. A god that keeps a naughty list and withholds love and gifts based on it is a model of God that I reject utterly. Read more

December 19, 2012

If you are heading into an uncomfortable family situation this week, here are 6 simple tips to help you make it through. I learned them through hard-fought experience. I hope they're helpful. Read more

December 18, 2012

This Venn diagram explains the difference between Santa, God, Spiderman and the Spanish Inquisition. 🙂 Read more

December 17, 2012

This morning conservative Republican Joe Scarborough -- for whom I have always had great respect -- made news when he offered his thoughts on the political issues related to the Sandy Hook tragedy, and for the moment, I can't improve on them. Please watch the video and read excerpts here. Read more

December 17, 2012

Are you going home or having family over for Christmas with trepidation because it means dealing with an alcoholic parent? Are you not going home for Christmas because, after years of discomfort, you're not willing to put up with it anymore? Read more

December 16, 2012

How do we celebrate Gaudete Sunday, which means Rejoice Sunday, after the Sandy Hook shooting? By following the counsel of today's reading and looking to what's true and honorable, like teacher Victoria Soto who gave her life to protect her students. Read more

December 14, 2012

Spiritual leaders can offer a distinct perspective on the Newtown shootings, free from the political framing. To start, we can say, simply: This is not OK. We cannot dismiss incidents like this as a cost of freedom. The human suffering is not acceptable. Read more

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