December 2, 2012

I walk into this holiday season with one hand firmly grasping tradition, the other hanging on for dear life to our crazy consumer culture. Please join me. Over the next month, I'll be sharing Advent reflections, Advent factoids, favorite music and other holiday-themed posts. Read more

December 1, 2012

PETA has decided to make an example of Peter Jackson's The Hobbit in a publicity campaign to end all use of animals in films. As best I can tell, their case against The Hobbit is thin at best, more likely intentionally deceptive. Read more

November 29, 2012

Once again, there's been a flurry of urgent posts from Facebook friends encouraging people to assert their copyright and forbid Facebook from using or selling material they post on Facebook. First of all, this is a hoax. Second, I have news for you all: while the internet is public space, owned by no one, Facebook is not. Read more

November 28, 2012

Being on time is not just about time management. If you're a chronically late person, it can carry behind it a lot of other issues. I fall short most days, but while my actions may not be perfect, I no longer think it's OK to be late. Do you struggle with being on time? Read more

November 27, 2012

Already under criticism for its position on homosexuality both internally and politically, the Salvation Army has crossed another line by celebrating anti-Obama propagandist Dinesh D'Souza, and lost my dollar in the kettle. Read more

November 22, 2012

A great Thanksgiving reflection from the Theravadan Buddhist tradition. Happy Thanksgiving! Read more

November 21, 2012

Choosing a present specifically for another person, wrapping it playfully and offering it to them involves love, selflessness and hospitality. But how do you buy gifts consciously in our mass consumer culture? Here are some suggestions. Read more

November 20, 2012

Life of Pi is one of those books you imagine will not translate well to film. It's too fantastical and too abstract, while at the same time being basically a one-person story. I'm delighted to say that Ang Lee has pulled off the near-impossible and made a movie worthy of the beloved book Read more

November 19, 2012

As families gather around the table or share letters and cards this holiday season, many will struggle with big political and religious differences. Here are some thoughts about getting through it and being a source of healing in your family. Read more

November 17, 2012

Hostess's Wonder Bread and all its processed preserved pasteurized pastries used to be signs of progress and prosperity -- no more, and that's a good thing. Hostess really died in 1968 -- when it was first acquired by a conglomerate -- and has gone bankrupt twice already. The recession or union didn't kill Hostess -- healthier diets did. Read more

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