Amy Julia Becker, Patheos/Thin Places: “Advent is a time of longing, of crying out for God to continue to break into this broken world and make it right. And so, with anger and fear and sorrow and the thinnest wisp of hope, we cry out. Come, Lord Jesus. Come into the horror. Make it right.”
Kyle Roberts, Patheos/Cultivare: “Among the many things Jesus showed us about God, is this: When we suffer, Jesus weeps. And so God weeps. I believe with my whole heart that God is weeping for the people of Connecticut. For those children. For their parents and loved ones. That’s about all we can say.”
Kyle Smith, New York Post: The Message of “Zero Dark Thirty”
Ben Witherington, Patheos/The Bible and Culture: “I was watching an interview this week after the massacre in Newtown and the inevitable question was asked—= ‘What could we do to prevent this from happening again?’ The candid answer given by a former head of various FBI operations was as follows— ‘absolutely nothing unless we are prepared to significantly change our gun laws and also change what we do with the mentally ill’. But even that would not be enough because some mass murderers are not technically deranged, they are simply wicked. There is a difference.”
Nicola Abe, Der Spiegel Online: The Woes of an American Drone Operator
Peter Enns, Patheos/Peter Enns: “I can easily get my arms around a God whose book begins with a mythic story of a naked first couple holding a conversation with a serpent, or a Bible that wasn’t written until the 5th century BC. But yesterday? There is nothing “easy” about it.”
Maureen Dowd, New York Times: Living on the Edge of the Cliff
Nicholas Wolterstoff via Kurt Willems, Patheos/Pangea Blog: ““The history of our world is the history of our suffering together. Every act of evil extracts a tear from God, every plunge into anguish extracts a sob from God. But the history of our world is the history of our deliverance together. God’s work to release himself from his suffering is his work to deliver the world from its agony; our struggle for joy and justice is our struggle to relieve God’s sorrow. When God’s cup of suffering is full, our world’s redemption is fulfilled. Until justice and peace embrace, God’s dance of joy is delayed (91).”
Charles Stanley, Washington Post: In Tragedy We Grieve, In God We Hope
Joel J. Miller, Patheos/Joel J. Miller: “It’s intriguing to contemplate one of the last conversations Lincoln had before dying. “We will visit the Holy Land,” he said, speaking to his wife, “and see those places hallowed by the footsteps of the Savior.” From bastard to savior.
Edward J. Blum, Huff Post Religion: The Shooting of Children and God’s Plan
Joel J. Miller, Patheos/Joel J. Miller: “That is our hope. Not to make sense of evil, but to hope in grace. When answers elude, only mercy remains.”