Astrology of 2013 Part Five

Astrology of 2013 Part Five January 7, 2013

The Sun Signs in 2013

In general the Water signs look set to do best in 2013, feeling at home with the dominant energies and from, late June, blessed by Jupiter in Cancer. Emotions flow, spirituality and healing become more mainstream, and poetic, musical, imagination-oriented types of creativity get a boost. Luck and synchronicities abound. The three Mercury retrogrades in water signs are very good periods for meditation, contemplation and for revisiting old creative projects.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) may find the year a little too damp and clingy for their taste, and miss the good old days when Pluto was in Sag. Uranus in Aries gives heart, but the square to Pluto continues to frustrate. Make moves forward when the Sun helps by being in a fire sign (especially if Venus is there too) i.e. Sun in Aries March 21 – April 19, in Leo July 22 — August 22 and in Sagittarius November 23 – December 22.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) may struggle with the increased religiosity/spirituality than tends to come to the collective forefront when Pisces is so strong. Do brave stuff in the first half of the year while Jupiter is still in Gemini, for once Jupiter leaves Gemini there is precious little air activity, and some very airy types may feel uncomfortably out of step with the collective, especially atheists. Community activities often serve air types better in tough times than trying to go it alone. You need to talk, so find others to commune with.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are happier once Jupiter gets into Cancer, sign of its exaltation and an augury of better finances for some people. For those earthy folks who have the psychological capacity to handle change, Pluto in Capricorn is a great bonus, if you are willing to make necessary change when it is demanded of you. Dig in your heels too much these days and life can get bleak. So stay as fluid as you can. Ecological initiatives for improving the environment are great ways for earth types to work constructively for the common good.



So there you have it: in a tension-filled era, we have a rather emotional year, a year with several highly constructive indications in amidst the general uncertainty and challenge, and for some of us it will be experienced as a time when life will flow more easily. Never forget that in times of great change, opportunities abound for those who have vanquished their timidity and who can listen to the voice of their soul and the wisdom of their spiritual guidance. Move as ever towards what feels healthy and enlivening for you. Be brave! Be loving! Be well!

Much love to all,



Lara gives individual astrology sessions via Skype. Email [email protected] to book an appointment, and visit for more information.

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