Astrology of 2013 Part Three

Astrology of 2013 Part Three January 3, 2013

The Deluge and/or the Opportunity for Emotional Healing

At several times during 2013 the element of water is emphasized, and overall dominates the whole year. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and the ancients noted that when a preponderance of planets were in these parts of the sky there was a tendency both for heavy rainfall and flooding and also for extremes of emotion, emotional release and emotional healing.

The element of water is also associated with the quality of open, soft mind that allows true intuition to rise to the fore of our attention; with the emotional intelligence that produces natural empathy and compassion; with the generative and nurturing aspects of creativity; and with the ability to flow congruently with changing situations.

In late February and early March there is a great stack of planets in water with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and Chiron all in Pisces, with Saturn and the North Node in Scorpio. During this period, whenever the Moon transits a water sign the overall wateriness gets amplified, and most of all with the Pisces New Moon of March 12.

Pisces is the sign most associated with spiritual awareness. The shadow of Pisces contains the archetypes of the victim, the addict and the delusional fantasist. So watch out for these traps, keep your feet on the ground, and flow with the Piscean energy into a greater compassion and at-one-ness with all.

In July we get the Water Grand Trine described above. On June 27 the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all briefly together in Cancer, a very happy and lucky combination especially if you want to get pregnant or conceive a creative project.

The Cancer New Moon on July 9 falls at 16 degrees and conjuncts Mercury, trines the North Node, and squares Uranus while opposing Pluto. Jupiter is in the throes of forming the Water Grand Trine with Saturn and Neptune, so this is another very watery period with significant potential for excess of emotion/overload and/or emotional healing and creativity.

November is another watery month with Sun, Node, Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Cancer, and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, with all except Jupiter (now at 20 Cancer) and Saturn (now at 13 Scorpio) at 9 – 10 degrees. This is unusual and again, has a strong impact on entities created or people born the first three days of the month. The Total Solar Eclipse at 11 Scorpio on November 3 is a potent augury for change in the coming months and continuing emotional cleansing, especially for those with birthdays in early November.


Next section: Working with Water: how to steer your way through the emotionality of 2013


Lara gives individual astrology sessions via Skype. Email [email protected] to book an appointment, and visit for more information.

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