Conversations with Barry Taylor: Part 1 & 2

Conversations with Barry Taylor: Part 1 & 2 June 2, 2009

Last week, I attended the second session of the Transforming Theology Conference down at Claremont. This time, denominational leaders got together to discuss the future of said organizations. The organizers also invited a couple of folks from the Emergence movement to both offer their own opinions and challenge the leaders to consider the challenges that the changing culture provides. One of these Emergence participants was Barry Taylor, author of Entertainment Theology, associate rector at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Beverly Hills, and a professor of theology and culture at Fuller Seminary. I’ll post excerpts from my conversation with Barry throughout the week. Today, we start with some religion and film dialogue.

Barry Taylor on Contemporary Religious Cinema from J. Ryan Parker on Vimeo.

Barry Taylor on Theology and Film from J. Ryan Parker on Vimeo.

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