Thursday’s Prayer for Priests

Thursday’s Prayer for Priests July 11, 2013

On the memorial of St. Benedict, this prayer prayed in our time could have as easily been prayed in his:

Father, be with the leaders of your flock in their needs today.  Help your Bishops and priests to interpret the Gospel message with clarity and urgency, witnessing in their own lives to the teaching and example of Christ. Fortify and encourage those among them who are fearful and confused; be truly a Father to those who have fallen away. Bless those who are involved in new responses to contemporary needs; guide those who direct and foster dialogue with other Christians, with non-Christians and with the secular city. Assist those who are trying to promote Christian values, that with zeal tempered by prudence, and in the framework of lawful authority, they may help to build up a truly Christian world for man. Send your Holy Spirit in a new outpouring, so that under these leaders chosen by you, the entire People of God may progress in a harmonious cooperation towards their final consummation in unity, truth and love by, with and in your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.


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