The Prince of Peace and His Princess

The Prince of Peace and His Princess December 18, 2015

Pink Princess 0397254442012See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God’s children now… 1 John 3:1-2

There are several of us in the Body of Christ who have either been abandoned or abused by parents and don’t necessarily fully connect with the concept of being a special child of God. Perhaps that is why I find pictures of a mother with her child the most evocative of all — not for the sake of my empty arms — and why I asked those questions of those I feel close to. A friend, Simcha Fisher (mother of ten!), shared with me a profound moment of her insight.

In the article I wrote for the Catholic web site, Aleteia, I share a few thoughts about when being called “a child of God” draws a blank.

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